Mohammed Hankir, PhD
Dr. Hankir studied neuroscience at the University of Leeds and
University College London before undertaking a PhD in metabolism
at Imperial College London. For his doctoral thesis, he employed in
vivo imaging techniques such as manganese-enhanced MRI and
PET to study mouse hypothalamic neuronal activity and rat brown
fat activity in response to gut hormones and gastric bypass surgery,
respectively. After brief post doctoral positions at the University of
Oxford and then at the MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences,
he moved to University Hospital Leipzig and then to University
Hospital Würzburg to work mainly on the mechanisms behind
weight loss and improved glycemic control after gastric bypass
surgery. Dr. Hankir is currently working as a Senior Scientist on a
Novo Nordisk-funded consortium to characterise the central
mechanisms of action of semaglutide and cagrilintide. Dr. Hankir
has made numerous contributions to the field of metabolism
including the characterisation of a novel gut-brain pathway that
mediates suppressed fat appetite after gastric bypass surgery as
well as identifying novel means of activating brown fat
thermogenesis for therapeutic gain. Dr. Hankir serves as an
Academic Editor for the journal Cell Stress and is a Scientific
Advisory Board Member for the Norwegian Nuclear Medicine