Workshop II

14:30 - 16:00
Block Route

Angiology/Vascular Surgery

Experimental Surgery: A New Frontier — Vascular anastomoses


Vascular anastomoses are the foundation of vascular surgery. So, in this workshop, you’ll learn about the challenges these surgeons face and get to perform the many different types of vascular anastomoses.


Dr. Ivone Silva
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:


Exploring With Echocardiography and Electrocardiography


An electrocardiogram is a first-line diagnostic exame that records the electrical activity of the heart. It is one of the simplest and fastest tests used to check for different heart conditions. An echocardiogram is a graphic outline of the heart's movement, essential to aid in the diagnosis of heart conditions. In this workshop with Dr. Mónica Dias and Dr. Inês Conde, you’ll be able to explore through this window and learn how to "read" and “touch” someone’s heart.


Dr. Carlos Galvão Braga
Dr. Inês Conde
Dr. Mónica Dias
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:


How to Approach a Patient




Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:


Body Composition Measurement


Are you interested in learning more about how to accurately measure body composition? If so, we invite you to join our upcoming "Body Composition Measurement" workshop. This workshop is designed for students who are looking to enhance their understanding of the various methods used to measure body composition. Whether you're interested in pursuing a career in sports medicine, obesity management, or simply want to expand your knowledge in this area, this workshop is a must-attend. You'll leave with a greater understanding of the importance of body composition and the confidence to use these techniques in your future practice. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity.


Dr. Mariana Monteiro
Dr. Ana Queirós Delgado
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:

Healthcare Management

Legislative Frameworks and Working Conditions in Medical Residency by Federação Nacional dos Médicos / SMN


Find out more about your rights and working conditions! Join the workshop promoted by FNAM on working conditions and legislation applicable to Medical Internships. It explores topics such as employment contracts, recognition of a degree in a foreign country, vacation regimes, days off, licenses and working hours. Don't miss this unique opportunity to improve your knowledge and clarify all your doubts about doctors' working conditions.
This workshop also offers a practical component, which makes learning even more engaging. Participate and spread the word!


Alice Jeri
Andreia Simões
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Theoretical workshop
Recommended for:


Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation




Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Theoretical workshop
Recommended for:


Interventional Neuroradiology in Spinal Pathological Syndromes


The different strands of Neuroradiology: minimally invasive interventional procedures in the approach to spinal pathology state of the art and future perspectives.


Dr. Inês Prisco
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Theoretical workshop
Recommended for: 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th year students

Legal Medicine

Legal Medicine: Discovering the Autopsy


Forensic autopsies are ordered at the request of the Prosecutor with the purpose of establishing cause and manner of death, among other objetives, concerning all deaths of unnatural manner (homicide, suicide, accident), suspicious deaths, and unexpected deaths. In order to do so, Forensic Pathologists must perform a complete postmortem examination of the body, combined with an exhaustive analysis of all circumstances surrounding the death, police and clinical information, and the results of the auxiliary exams.


Dr. Dina Almeida
Dina Almeida is a Medical Specialist in Forensic Medicine with the category of Assistant in Forensic Medicine. Coordinator of Specific Training in Forensic Medicine at the Northern Delegation of INMLCF, I.P. Coordinator of the Forensic Pathology Functional Unit of the Northern Delegation of INMLCF, I.P. Invited assistant for the discipline of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Toxicology of the Integrated Master in Medicine at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar of the University of Porto
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Theoretical workshop
Recommended for:

Medical Emergency

Airway Approach: Making the difficult easy
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:
Pediatric Basic Life Support




Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:

Medical Genetics





Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Theoretical workshop
Recommended for:


Brain Bank for Neuroscience Research - Practical Brain Cutting Session


Brain banks collect and store the brains of persons who suffered from neurodegenerative disorders or other neurological diseases in order to distribute frozen or formalin-fixed tissues to research groups. Brains must be neuropathologically characterized and diagnosed and the clinical data collected and matched to the brains. Brain banks allowed the understanding of many CNS disorders and continue to be a major support for research. In this worshop students will visit the Portuguese Brain Bank and attend to a diagnostic brain cutting session.


Dr. Margarida Calejo
Dr. Ricardo Taipa
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:
Transcranial and Carotid Doppler


Do you feel that looking at a doppler is the same as looking at a broken tv? Do you want to learn how to do a transcranial and carotid doppler and analyze it?


Denis Gabriel
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:


Prenatal Diagnosis




Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: workshop
Recommended for:


Otoscopy, Rhinoscopy and Laryngoscopy




Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:

Pathological Anatomy

Macroscopy in Anatomic Pathology


Macroscopical examination and sampling lie at the very basis of diagnostic activity in Pathology. During training, Pathology Residents must learn how to handle simple and complex tissue biopsies and surgical specimens, how to describe the lesions they contain and how to identify and sample them to allow for accurate and safe diagnosis. In this workshop, the basic techniques of Macroscopy will be explained and demonstrated using real surgical specimens. Then, participants will be able to explore in practice their own skills for slicing and sampling tissue specimens for histopathological analysis.


Professor Rui Henrique
Rui Henrique is Head of the Department of Pathology and Senior Researcher of Cancer Biology and Epigenetics Group of IPO Porto, as well Guest Full Professor at ICBAS. He graduated from ICBAS in 1992, became Attending Pathologist in 2001, Consultant in 2015 and Senior Consultant in 2022. He obtained the Doctoral degree from ICBAS in 2006 and the academic title of "aggregate" (habilitation for full professorship) in 2011. His main diagnostic interests are Hematopathology and Uropathology. His research focuses on understanding the role of epigenetic alterations in urological tumorigenesis and development of novel cancer biomarkers, some of which patented, based on epigenetic and genetic characterization of tumors. RH steered research projects with competitive national and European funding. He has authored or co-authored more than 300 international publications, with an h-index of 50.
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Thursday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for: everyone
Anatomical Dissection


Did you know that the first cadaveric dissections were performed in ancient Greece, China, India and Persia? Would you like to acquire an overview about the anatomical dissection? In this workshop, we will travel from history into practice of dissection. Using parts of animal cadavers, you will be able to give the first steps in the use of a scalpel, scissors and a dissection forceps, testing your skills as a future anatomist or surgeon.


Paula Proença
Maria João Oliveira
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:




Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Language: English
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:

Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric Sutures




Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Language: English
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:


Botulinum Toxin Infiltration Procedures


Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) approaches the patient in a holistic way, triggering intervention in several pathological contexts (musculoskeletal, neurological, oncological, cardio-pulmonary, intensive care, urological, among others). In this workshop we will cover the ultrasound-guided approach to the treatment of spasticity (common sequelae of different neurologic conditions, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, among others) and the application of some intervention techniques (Toxin Botulinum Infiltration) in animal models.


Dr. Nuno Ramalhão
Dr. Bruno Guimarães
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:
Pelvic Floor Disorders




Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:


Pleural Techniques




Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:
Lung Function Tests


Lung function tests are a simple yet smart way of telling you how healthy and strong your lungs are. In this workshop you will be able to learn how they work, interpret various clinical cases and get first-hand experience on how to test your lungs.


Vânia Almeida
Paula Pinto (Assistant Instructor)
Superior Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technician in Cardiopneumology in the Respiratory Pathophysiology Sector of the Pulmonology Service of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto – Hospital de Santo António. Graduated in Cardiopneumology by the Porto School of Health Technologies. Author and co-author of several scientific papers presented at national and international conferences.
Raquel Carvalho (Assistant Instructor)
Superior Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technician in Cardiopneumology in the Respiratory Pathophysiology Sector of the Pulmonology Service of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto – Hospital de Santo António. Graduated in Cardiopneumology by the Porto School of Health Technologies. Author and co-author of several scientific papers presented at national and international conferences.
Dr. Tiago Oliveira (Scientific Coordinator)
Tiago Oliveira. Hospital Assistant in Pulmonology at the Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto – Hospital de Santo António. Lecturer in Pulmonology at the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences – University of Porto. Master in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto. Student of the Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar – University of Porto. Member of the Scientific Review Board of Hexágono MedGF. Author and co-author of several scientific papers presented at conferences and published in national and international journals.
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for: 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th year students


Promoting Empathy towards People with Schizophrenia using Virtual Reality




Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:


Laparoscopy, a Minimally Invasive Surgery


The introduction of laparoscopy and the diffusion of minimally invasive techniques in the treatment of most surgical pathologies, both benign and malignant, has changed many of the dogmas attributed to surgical procedures. The most advertised advantages are less pain, shorter hospital stay, faster recovery, better aesthetic results, and lower rate of operative wound complications. But these aspects are just some of the many others that can be named. Like other specialties such as Gynecology and Urology, General Surgery is currently one of the most enthusiastic in the application of minimally invasive techniques in both emergency and elective surgery, benign or malignant pathology, covering virtually all anatomical segments. Examples of this are biliary surgery, obesity, colonic surgery… Like other techniques, laparoscopic surgery requires training so that it can be executed in an optimized and perfect manner. It is currently recognized by the main surgical schools that initial training in the laboratory, using mechanical, virtual or animal models, is strictly necessary before application in patients. The growing interest in this technique demonstrated by medical students over the years led to the organization, for the second consecutive year, of the Basic Laparoscopy Course, as part of the XXIII Therapeutic Conference. In this short course, lasting about 1h30 hours students will perform basic and transversal exercises in laparoscopy such as: adapting to functioning in two dimensions; exploring the functioning of real working forceps; developing perfection in non-dominant hand gestures; picking up and mobilizing objects; simulating coagulations and clipages; dissecting structures; suturing simple structures


Professor Marta Guimarães
Professor Marta Guimarães, MD, PhD, is a General Surgery consultant at Centro Hospitalar de Entre Douro e Vouga, Santa Maria da Feira, differentiated in bariatric and metabolic surgery; an Invited Professor at University of Porto, Portugal. Practicing Medicine for 23 years, teaching for 7 years, and doing research for 15 years, Doctor Marta is a board member of the Portuguese Surgery Society and was a member of the editorial team of the Portuguese Journal of Surgery. Aside from her responsibility as advisor and co-advisor in several undergraduate and postgraduate projects and thesis, she has also won numerous prizes, honors, and awards, including the 2017 National Diabetology Prize, awarded by the Portuguese Society of Diabetology.
Dr. Diogo Silva (Assistant Instructor)
Dr. Joana Antunes (Assistant Instructor)
Dr. Catarina Henriques
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:


Drug Administration




Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:


Urological Techniques


This workshop focuses on catheterization techniques and basic urological endoscopic techniques. Participants will have the opportunity to improve their galliation skills, with sessions dedicated to fundamental concepts and practical application in simulated scenarios. Endoscopic techniques will also be covered, including equipment demonstrations and practical training on specific models. Specialized instructors will offer individual guidance, promoting the exchange of experiences between participants. At the end of the workshop, participants will leave with reinforced practical skills and an improved understanding of the techniques covered.


Dr. Nuno Vinagre
Schedule: Session 2 (14:30-16:00, Friday, April 26th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for: