Workshop V

11:30 - 13:00
Block Route


Anesthetic Emergencies




Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Friday, April 27th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:

Angiology/Vascular Surgery

Experimental Surgery: A New Frontier — Vascular anastomoses




Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Friday, April 27th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:
Unlock the Mysteries of Arterial Embolization: A Comprehensive Workshop for Medical Students




Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Friday, April 27th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:


Cardiac Sutures


Have you always dreamed of being a cardiothoracic surgeon? Has the heart always fascinated you? Then choose this workshop which will give you the opportunity to learn and put into practice different suturing techniques in heart tissue.


Dr. Francisca Fonseca
Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Friday, April 27th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for: those with some suturing experience

Healthcare Management

SIM (Sindicato da Ordem dos Médicos)




Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Friday, April 27th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:

Medical Emergency

Airway Management




Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Friday, April 27th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:


Extracorporeal Depurative Techniques Practice: Hands-on Nephrology


Nephrology concerns the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases, many of them are systemic disorders not limited to the organ itself, and may require “special” treatment. Would you like to know more about hemodialysis and related techniques? In this workshop, you will use Color Doppler Ultrasonography for fistula management (patient) and central catheter insertion (model).


Dr. Fernanda Sousa
Dr. José Queirós
Professor Luísa Lobato (Scientific Coordinator)
Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Saturday, April 27th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for: everyone


Assessment and Management of Ocular Trauma




Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Friday, April 27th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:


Workshop of Casts: How to Do an Immobilization?




Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Friday, April 27th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:


Psychiatric Emergencies


It is a misconception to believe that there are no real psychiatry emergencies. One of the most challenging clinical settings in mental health is the acute psychiatry assessment, taking place in the psychiatric emergency department. During the last decades, psychiatric-related emergency department visits represent a substantial and growing number of emergency department visits. This is a very complex field, in which making the incorrect assessment can have life-and-death implications. The aim of this workshop is to present and discuss how to manage patients with acute psychiatric symptoms (with various conditions from suicidal ideation to acute psychosis), hoping that this workshop may help to promote a better understanding of the fundamentals of urgent psychiatric conditions, and to promote increased recognition of the importance of emergent psychiatry among medical students and trainees. Following a brief theoretical presentation (which will be focused on management of aggression, suicidal ideation and risk assessment) case vignettes will be included to contextualize the information provided. Finally, this workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to take part in activities which mirror emergency psychiatry-related scenarios, through role-play exercises.


Sofia Gomes
Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Friday, April 27th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:
Electroconvulsive Therapy Revisited


Electroconvulsive Therapy: Status Quo in 2023 — The oldest treatment technique in Psychiatry was reborn in 2003 with new ultra-brief pulse machines, revolutionizing treatment in Psychiatry. Discover the therapeutic and technical advantages of these machines, with the opportunity to simulate a treatment using the latest treatment machine: the "Sigma".


Dr. Jorge Mota
Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Friday, April 27th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:


Let's Talk About Sex: A Clinical Perspective


According to the World Health Organization, sexuality is a key aspect of the human being, encompassing sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, eroticism, intimacy and reproduction. Sexuality should be addressed on medical consultation as part of a person-centered medical approach. Despite the elevated prevalence of sexual related problems, this topic is often neglected by health profissionals. The goal of this workshop is to provide some skills and techniques to approach this sensitive topics with your patients.


Cláudia Silva
Ana Catarina Rodrigues
Ana Rocha
Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Friday, April 27th)
Activity type: Theoretical workshop
Recommended for: everyone


Treatments in Medical Hydrology


Have you ever heard the term Medical Hydrology? It is a field of medicine that is unknown by many medical students, but that has numerous clinical applications. In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to learn all about the thermal benefits in respiratory and rheumatic diseases. You will also be able to learn about one of the biggest and oldest thermal estabilshments in Portugal: Termas de São Pedro do Sul.


Dr. Carlos Paredes
Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Friday, April 27th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for:
How to write a scientific article?


Are you interested in the area of scientific research? Ever wondered how to get into the medical literature or perhaps, you’re already thinking about the master's thesis but need to know more about writing articles? If your answer to any of these is affirmative, then this workshop is for you, counting with Dr. João Faria to help you demystify this matter.


Dr. João Faria
Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences by the University of Aveiro in 2016. Master’s in Medicine from ICBAS-UP in 2022. Junior researcher at the Cardiovascular Research Group at UMIB-ICBAS since 2021. General Training Intern at Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho since January 2023.
Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Friday, April 27th)
Activity type: Theoretical workshop
Recommended for: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th year students
Introduction to Portuguese Sign Language


Do you know Portuguese sign language? Would you like to be able to start a conversation in Portuguese sign language? So, participate in this workshop that is focused on the practical part, so that you can help a deaf person in an emergency. We will address the alphabet, numbers and greetings to start a dialogue in Portuguese sign language.


Mafalda Sousa
Portuguese sign language interpreter, graduated in translation and interpretation in Portuguese sign language by the Escola Superior de Educação do Porto, in 2021. Currently an interpreter on the program "Praça da Alegria" on RTP1. Qualified by the business and administration school to train trainers.
Schedule: Session 5 (11:30-13:00, Friday, April 27th)
Activity type: Practical workshop
Recommended for: everyone